Temple of the Seven Golden Camels: Listen to Your Ol’ Pappy K! – “Those times when you are just sitting there with nothing else going on, immersed in the people and happenings around you are when you really get to see special things: people just going about their ordinary business. That’s when people are at…more
Springwise: Flexible pet ownership – Netflix for dogs! And I thought Netflix for books was innovative…
Learning from Netflix, I’m changing how I read books. Netflix sends movies one at a time from a list you choose on Netflix.com, but you only ever have two or three movies at home. This works because people can only watch one movie at a time, and usually only one or two in a week,…more
George Foreman iGrill | Uncrate – ok, that’s pretty cool: $150 for a compact and cool-looking grill that plays your iPod too.
Postful – send letters using email
Micro Persuasion: The Participation Ladder and Its Impact on Marketing and PR – more along the lines of the low creation rate on YouTube, etc.
How We Learn – we learn “95% of what we teach to someone else”
Participation on Web 2.0 sites remains weak – Well, more of an audience for the creators: “The vast majority of visitors are the Internet equivalent of the television generation’s couch potatoes — voyeurs who like to watch rather than create, Tancer’s statistics show.”
Humboldt Fog – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia – wonderful goat cheese
david belle le parkour translated – Google Video – freestyle walking! (inside joke…) via Google’s new recommendation service