Malcolm Gladwell on the future of work – “We will require, from a larger and larger percentage of our work force, the ability to engage in relatively complicated analytical and cognitive tasks…Jobs have gotten harder and more demanding. You’re still going into the same place and wearing the same clothes, but a lot more is…more
“We have given people virtually unlimited access to data, to information; the next question is, can we give them better tools for making sense of that information…I’m quite prepared for the possibility that the next revolution is not going to come from a machine; it’s going to come from creating a more thoughtful work force…more
“It seems that the more complex an organization gets, the more likely it is that inefficient and unproductive businesses accumulate in the nooks and crannies and back alley–and sometimes right up there in center aisle. These businesses are subsidized by their cousin, brother, and sister businesses that are doing well, and they stick around for…more
“Then in 1998 I had the chance to talk with Steve Jobs after he’d come back and turned Apple around…’Steve,’ I said, ‘this turnaround at Apple has been impressive. But everything we know about the personal-computer business says that Apple will always have a small niche position…What’s the longer-term strategy?’ He didn’t agree or disagree…more
Apparently, Tour de France cyclists used to get their drinks by stealing them from stores – “The chasse a la canette? Well, that translates into ‘hunting for cans’ – drinks cans. Riders would get off their bikes at the sight of a bar, run inside, grab all they could off the shelves and out of…more