The future of bike racing
Seriously, those guys in spandex don’t stand a chance.
Seriously, those guys in spandex don’t stand a chance.
Hilarious and spot-on [list of all the “insider” rules of road cycling]( Including this, which still makes my visits to the beach embarrassing:
> RULE 7: Tan lines should be cultivated and kept razor sharp. Under no circumstances should one be rolling up their sleeves or shorts in an effort to somehow diminish one’s tan lines. Sleeveless jerseys are under no circumstances to be employed.
And this, from Greg Lemond, [which I only recently realized applies to many things](
> RULE 10: It never gets easier, you just go faster. To put it another way, per Greg Henderson: “Training is like fighting with a gorilla. You don’t stop when you’re tired. You stop when the gorilla is tired.”
This magnetic water bottle and mount seems like an elegant solution for cycling.
This is a fun-looking bicycle child seat. We saw a kid in Tiburon riding one and having a blast.
A wild seat with the rails built into the *sides* of the shell. Check the video to see the full shape. More images.
Finally. Beyond TTs this would be great in the rain and cold; those GoreTex ones never look very good.
[A family of 5 is cycling across the country](, from Kentucky to Florida to San Diego to Alaska, on a 5-person bicycle. They’re currently in California…maybe I’ll see them on the road?
Bummer. I liked the concept and the bikes; my one worry was that at $500-$700 the bikes were too expensive for their target usage.
You would think that by the age of 30 I would be able to resist the siren song of a road called “Crazy Pete’s“, which features a hand-painted wooden sign and dwindles to a poorly-marked cow path within a quarter mile, especially when I was on my road bike. You would think that, but you would be wrong. Especially when said road features a beautiful waterfall in the woods.
On the bright side, I discovered that my new 28mm front tire floats remarkably well through 10-20 foot sections of deep mud and water. Just don’t expect to get much pedaling traction…